South Fork of the Flathead

South Fork of the Flathead

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Presidents Day Yurt Ski "Jimmy Dean Weekend"

After a short trip to Denver and Winter Park to visit my parents and friends, Sarah and I loaded up the 4Racer and drove to the great state of Montana to meet my friends for a backcountry yurt skiing trip into the Southern Swan's. We have been doing the trip ever since my senior year in college and this year marked the 3rd annual trip. Although many members of the original crew have moved to different towns and states for various reasons, we still were able to rally 11 people for the weekend including Jennings, Paul, Kristen, and Kirby who drove a 12hr leg on each side of the 3 day weekend to make the trip!! The snow was drifted and deep and without Old Man Yurt (Keith Carparelli the original instigator of the 1st Yurt Weekend) we ended up taking a few extra hours to reach the yurt. After all the hard work of getting in, we got settled in and strapped on our skins to head uphill and check out the goods to be had in the hills. What we found did not disappoint. We made deep turns all weekend long, ate lots of good food including our yearly helping of Jimmy Dean sausage, and played many games of Stump with good friends.
The Crew!! (left to right) Myself, Krister, Brad G, Kirby, Paul, Sarah (on the ground), Jared, Brian, Kristen, Jennings, Marc

Skinnin up the ridge

Painting our picture thru the burnt tree's
Paul showin us how to drop a knee
Playing a friendly game of stump! (one of the many)
Getting ready to drop in!

Sadly the weekend had to come to an end and we will have to find another excuse to rendezvous! Sarah and I are off to Seattle to ski in the Cascades for the next week or so, looks like its gonna be deep! Man I love winter....

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